
Struggles after reaching success

The title of this blog might seem a bit strange. You must be thinking, "What kind of struggles does a person have to face after becoming successful?"  It is a common misconception people have in their minds about successful people. They think that after the achievement of success, one lives in total happiness and joy.  Well, for the most part, this is not true. Especially not for those who want to stay successful.  We all know that fame and fortune don't stay linear. Every person faces lows and highs in his lifetime.  Still, people who want their glory to stay stable are always doing some struggle.  This is because they not only create a specific image in the minds of people close to them but also in people with whom they have not acquainted themselves.  Among these well-wishers, some envious people also exist, hiding behind the mask of a friend, acquaintance, or relative.  They are those who keep waiting for successful people to make a wrong move in their lives to make t

How colors affect our mood

Maybe not a lot, but it must be in your knowledge that colors affect our personality and mood to some extent.  In some professions, people have to wear dresses of a particular color.  A doctor wears a white coat, and a lawyer wears a black one. Indian policemen wear clothes in khaki color. After a lot of research, researchers have proved that different colors affect our brains differently.  The same goes for our mood and how we perceive things. Pay attention, and you will be able to see that colors play a role in making us feel positively or negatively about things.  Let us learn more deeply about colors and see how different colors affect us differently - 1) Red - This color plays a huge role in boosting our morale and keeping us delighted. Dr. Briwer, a Psychologist at British Heart Foundation, researched approximately 1000 women to find that they wear red dresses and lipsticks to boost their confidence and feel good.  2) Black - This color represents the power a human has inside him

Encourage your child to write on paper

In this article, I want to say a few things about a huge issue surrounding the studies of children.  It is possible for many of my readers, who are parents themselves, to unknowingly not pay attention to this particular issue.  My experience with kids of this generation says that they tend to avoid writing by hand in their notebooks.  I don't think the corona lockdown is to blame entirely for this.  If we try being honest with ourselves, we will see from where the problem is actually coming. In this era of laptops and smartphones, kids find it easier to type things on their favorite gadget than write the same stuff in their copy.  Now, I am sure you know that this habit will not do them any good. It is important for children to read and write the things they learn over and over to improve in studies.  It is the duty of the teacher and the parents to make the little ones do these activities with help and encouragement.  As a responsible parent, you must know that getting your child

First impression is the last impression

On her first day at her in-law's place, Shobha sees her mother-in-law's unexpected appearance, which is unforgettable to her. On the day of Shobha's arrival at her in-laws, Shobha's mother-in-law got furious over something at her Devrani. The matter seemed very small to Shobha but not to her mother-in-law. Due to this, Shobha started keeping ill feelings toward her mother-in-law and became afraid of her. But, Shobha never faces her mother-in-law's anger. She was usually very nice to Shobha. Still, seeing her mother-in-law in that state of rage on her first day at her Sasural has put a deep impression on Shobha. This impression of her mother-in-law has made Shobha a person who keeps his feelings to himself. Similarly, a woman named Kalpana has got appointed as a teacher in a school. When she went to her class on her first day, she made kids terrified of her by yelling and scolding them throughout their study period. Now, even when children have doubts in class, they

Helping children with their studies post-lockdown

Studies of children have been very much affected due to the prolonged lockdown imposed on the nation because of the coronavirus pandemic.  Online classes were being taken every day, but those classes didn't help children improve their academic performance. Amid lockdown, children also got themselves into control of online games, making their parents worried. Now, after the lockdown lifted, we can see things get worse. Schools are now being reopened, but many children aren't going to study in these schools. They are not able to do things they once did every single day.  Their immunity power has dropped, and so has their concentration power. Nowadays, kids don't even want to write in a notebook because they think it's too tiresome.  This is bad news for parents as well as teachers.  But, instead of worrying, we should do something to make kids love studying again. 1) In this lockdown, many people have seen their income go very low, because of which they are now doing low-

Are you showing off your child's talent in front of others?

I have been seeing people do this for a long time, and you might have too and found this to be a bad habit. Some children are naturally good at some things, like- singing, dancing, comprehending what they study, etc. It is obvious to be proud of such things, I totally agree, but often parents stretch their children's talents way too far in front of others to feel superior.  Whenever a relative, a friend, or an acquaintance comes to their house, they start planning ways to bring up a topic that would help them show off their kids' talents. After that, they ask their child to come out and show how good he is at singing (or dancing, drawing, etc.) as if giving an order. If the child performs well, he gets all his parents' love showered on him. Opposite of that, if he doesn't perform well, he has to be ready to see his parents' wrath. Don't you think this behavior is toxic? I am going to elaborate on the harmful effects of this habit in the following points - 1) Whe

Things you should keep in mind when shopping online

Beware of the pricing game - You must have seen yourself getting tempted to buy things the seller presents at a "super" discounted price many times. Not all the time, but still, often these products not only come with a discounted price but also with a discount in quality. Always do some careful thinking by comparing similar products coming at different prices on the basis of the quality they offer before coming to a conclusion to ensure you buy the best at the best price. Read the product details before you buy - Reading product information is something you should always do when shopping online. This helps to understand the specifications of the product well. Unfortunately, many cases pile up every day where the consumer didn't check product details before buying and got something delivered he would have never ordered if he had shopped smartly. Buy from well-reputed stores - These days getting scammed is easier than you think. There are many deceiving websites on the web